Bronze Horse Sponsorship
Every month
This donation helps cover the cost of the horse's care. Thank you!
Valid until canceled
Silver Horse Sponsorship
Every month
This donation helps cover the cost of the horse's care. Thank you!
Valid until canceled
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Gold Horse Sponsorship
Every month
This donation helps cover the cost of the horse's care. Thank you!
Valid until canceled
Social Media Images to Share
Personalized PDF Certificate
Make an Impact!
As a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, Equine Reflections, Inc. relies on financial and in-kind contributions to support our programs, including providing scholarships and financial aid to qualifying clients. Your support enables us to provide mental, emotional, educational, physical and personal growth benefits to hundreds of community members of all ages in need. All donations are tax-deductible.
Sponsor a Rescue Horse
By sponsoring a horse, you are not only helping to provide a safe environment for a rescued animal but also facilitating healing for all of the clients that the horse works with. We prioritize the rehabilitation, health, and happiness of all of our rescue horses and spend $6,000 per year, per horse.
You can help horses and humans who have lived through negative experiences and want a fresh start at life through the gift of sponsorship. This is an excellent way for a group of friends, a family, and businesses to give back. Sponsorships are $500/month and we have a few horses featured below who are looking for sponsors! You can also choose which horse you'd like to sponsor from our main list of equine partners, just email us here. Commitments range from 3 months through 1 year.
We are also always grateful for a donation in any amount. We LOVE and NEED our supporters like you, and we thank you for contributing to our cause of horses helping hearts and minds.